Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Least of These...

Yesterday, I took about 20 young adults to a park in Detroit.  It's called the Homeless BBQ and I try to do it once a month on a Saturday afternoon.  We bring a grill and a crapload of food to feed the many homeless and struggling people in the area of 2nd and Seldon downtown.  The thing is, we don't go there just to feed them, which is important, but we go there to spend time with them, to hear their stories, and to do what little we can that may offer them hope.  There are so many beautiful people that we have the opportunity to serve.  They have amazing stories about where they've been and why they are there.  There are alot of cool things that happen when we go to the D to serve but something happened yesterday that needs to be shared.  Brad and Alex (two college guys in our group) went over and started talking to a guy named James.  James has spent the last 15 years in prison and was released about a month ago.  About 2 weeks ago, James met Jesus and has since committed his life to following Jesus.  Brad and Alex sat down and listened to James.  As James was talking to them, Keith walked up and sat down.  None of these guys actually knew each other, Brad and Alex just met in my car as we drove down.  James and Keith didn't know each other either.  As they sat, Keith shared with the other three that he came to that park on that day to end his life.  There's a gazebo in the middle of the park that he was going to tie a rope to and hang himself.  Keith didn't know that there was going to be a bunch of suburban Christians from various churches feeding people and having a party.  Keith was at rock bottom.  He was just released about two weeks ago from serving a 25 year prison term.  He has no hope of a job... actually, he has no hope at all.  In fact, Keith went to his daughter's house on Friday to say good bye.  He didn't want any food because dead men don't eat.  Brad, Alex, and James spent the better part of the afternoon talking to Keith.  I saw them talking and it looked like they were into something - little did I know that they were actually trying to save Keith's life.  James kept saying to Keith that he was exactly at that same place two weeks ago but he met a guy who told him about Jesus.  Keith said that he has hope and that God doesn't want anyone to end their own life.  Brad and Alex listened and offered hope and encouragement.  So, what happened?  Keith ate lunch with Brad, Alex, and James.  He also decided that he wouldn't end his life, at least for now.  In fact, he was going to walk to his daughters house and let her know that he is alright.  James is going to reconnect with Keith later in the week.  
Here's the thing, Brad and Alex went to the BBQ expecting to hang out and maybe serve some food to people who are not like them.  What actually happened is that they met one man who they had everything in common with and another man who they needed to provide hope for.  Of all the parks in the city of Detroit, Keith came to our park.  Brad, Alex, and James were used by God to save one man's life... literally.  If you've ever wondered if you should go somewhere or talk to somebody, I would suggest that you do it.  I think the foundational difference between people God uses and people God doesn't, is that the people God uses simply show up.  That's what Brad and Alex did - they showed up.  I often wonder it what I do and what I plan for people to be involved in makes any real difference.  Yesterday, it did.


Phillip Santillan said...

This is awesome. Praise the Lord!

Dawn said...

Fabulous! This sounds like a super awesome ministry - totally something Jesus would love to be part of!