Monday, September 18, 2006

Who Peed?

Ok, so I haven't been doing any updating lately. Sorry. The other morning, Sherri and I are in bed, not quite awake yet. Now, understand that we have been having allergies lately and you know how that goes sleeping with your mouth open so you can breathe. Josh walks in and climbs into bed with us...

(Seeing the drool on the pillow)
Josh: Mommy pee on pillow?
Mommy: No, Josh, I did not pee on my pillow.
Josh: Mommy peed on pillow?
Mommy: No, Josh, mommy did not pee on her pillow.
(Mommy gets out of bed to get ready for the day)
Josh: Daddy, you pee mommy's pillow?
Daddy: (while laughing) No, daddy did not pee on mommy's pillow.
Josh: I no pee mommy's pillow.

I love mornings.


denverherbie said...

It was me. I pee mommy's pillow.

cara harjes said...

he pee my pillow all the time!

Tony Gambee said...

that kills me. hilarious.

Matt said...

I am glad that Herb is finally owning up to having a pee problem and people's pillows. Thanks for helping him to that realization Cara. Now he just has to admit to being a light bulb destroyer as well.