Tuesday, July 11, 2006

O brother, where art thou?

Wow, it’s been a while since my last post. So, first off, for those wondering where we are in pee-land, Josh is officially a big boy wearing big boy underwear (specifically Madagascar in the pic). Well, kind of. He peed on me this morning and I looked like I was lactating. Yes, he was sitting on me when the geiser went off.

We had a great time the week of the 4th. We went up north camping with some friends and set up our base camp. We spent two days with my family in West Branch and Gaylord and one day with our friends and watched fireworks in Alpena over Lake Huron. We had great seats but there was this pesky tree in the way of the less spectacular fireworks. Hannah was sitting on my lap and said during the show, "Daddy, do you know what kind of fireworks I like the best? All of the ones not behind the tree."
The most spectacular thing that happened was discovered by Allison. On Wednesday morning, Allison walked behind our pop-up and claimed she found a chipmunk swimming in our drain bucket. I dismissed her but decided to check it out anyway. Sure enough, at some point, a chipmunk climbed into the drain bucket and drowned in a cesspool of grease and soap. Josh was enamored with the event and really wanted to touch the deceased. So, here's a great shot of the boy with his first kill (he will be a great hunter and gatherer someday).

And here are a few other pictures of our week of camping. . .


kelli said...

Ewww...on getting peed on. But look how awesome the little man looks in those big boy pants!!

Super Ewww...on the whole chipmunk deal.

Even more Ewww... that you posted a picture of it!

denverherbie said...

Personally, I think it's obvious from that last photo that Josh ran over the chipmunk with that cool grey 4X4 and tried to cover it up by dumping the body and hiding teh evidence.

Unforunately for him, his young years haven't allowed him much time to have TV teach him how to cover up a crime. This would explain why he chose to hide the body in a shallow bucket of gunk, three feet from the crime instead of say, Lake Michigan, or really even just the clump of trees seven feet further.

Then again, Allison is pretty smart. I'm not sure Josh knows who he is up against.

Where's the picture of Matt lactating?

cara harjes said...

i was hoping herb would address the fact that you have posted a semi-naked picture of josh on the internet. but apparently i have to do all the hard work here. there is a great joke to be told regarding this picture . . . and i just can't find the words. something about paris hilton and something and something . . . or brining in enough cash to put all three kids through college . . . or your pending conviction before a judge for your involvement in the child porn industry . . . but that doesn't seem quite right.

Matt said...

To both denverherbie and cara: you don't need to see a picture of me lactating... again. The CSI guys are at the camp and I'm pretty sure that your theory is exactly what they are trying to prove. Finally, why does everyone have a problem with Josh being groomed for a career in underwear modeling? It worked for MarkyMark.

denverherbie said...

Matt, again, is trying to live vicariously through Josh... or MarkyMark.

BTW, boxerbriefs are so hot right now, you should get Josh in a pair of those sweet things.